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Saint Luke Parish Ministries & Committees

Saint Luke Parish is a vibrant faith community with many ways to get involved. Here is a list of our current ministries and committees, a brief description of what they do, and contact information for the coordinator of that ministry/committee.

If you are interested in joining one of our many ministries, please reach out to the coordinator so we can add your name to our email list. 


Our Family Life Ministry is responsible for social events throughout the year that bring our families together. Events include:

- Easter Egg Lunch & Activities (Palm Sunday)

- Vacation Bible Camp

- Parish Picnic kids activities

- Halloween Pumpkin Carving

- Thanksgiving Bag Project

- Christmas Tree Lighting and Angel Tree

- Family Life also puts together collections for Coats in the winter, and several food drives throughout the year. 


For more information or to get involved contact Tracey Vizzo.​


Phone: 203-858-8996


Our fundraising committee is responsible for all of the events throughout the year that help St Luke's raise money for local charities in need as well as our Matthew 25 Fund. Events include:

- Harvest Fair featuring Shabby Chic Boutique

- Parish Raffle

- Breakfast with Santa

- Cookie Shoppe. 

For more information about any of these events or getting involved contact Jessica Purcell.


Phone: 203-227-7245

For inquiries about Shabby Chic Boutique contact Judy Wanat.



Our Hospitality Ministry is responsible for all major parish events with food. Events include:

- Parish Picnic

- Bishop's Dinner

- Sweet Heart's Mass Reception

- Spirituality Speaker Dinners

For more information or to get involved contact Cecilia Misa.



Our Matthew 25 Ministry works to help our community in need. 

Events include:

-Grab & Go Meal bags are prepared and delivered to New Covenant Center 3 times per month. 

- We help prepare and serve meals at Open Door Shelter

- Help and distribute meals with the Missionaries of Charity in Bridgeport to the homeless every 2nd Sunday of the month.

- Host food drives to distribute to local soup kitchens including New Covenant Center, Gillespie Center, and Thomas Merton Center.

-Our St Luke Food Pantry located in the hall outside of church helps provide food to those in our parish community in need.


For more information of to get involved contact Jeanne Stewart.



Saint Luke has an adult and children's choir. Adult choir rehearsals are every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the St. Cecilia Room. All interested singers, high school age and up, are invited to attend. An ability to read music is not required, all that's needed is a good ear and a joyful heart! Our children's choir performs for Christmas and Easter. Information about children's choir rehearsals will be posted during those seasons.  Contact Maria O'Kelly or come to a rehearsal and check it out - no obligation!

For more information of to get involved contact Maria O'Kelly

Email:  Call/Text: 203-246-9806


Our Social Committee is responsible for any social events hosted throughout the year to help bring our faith community together.

Some upcoming events for 2024 include wine tasting this summer and line dancing this fall. 

For more information of to get involved contact Joyce Ference



Our Spirituality Ministry encompasses our Women's Group, Men's Group, Bible Study Group and plans speaker events throughout the year. Groups meet weekly and all are welcome to join at anytime. Speaker events are coordinated to discuss relevant topics to help grow in our spiritual faith journey. 

For more information of to get involved contact Jeanne Stewart.


Get in Touch

For general inquires about our Parish Ministries and Committees please reach out to the rectory at 203-227-7245 or

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